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Bubble Babble

Let's Chat About Bath Time!!

Summertime Skin Care!

Summertime is well on the way and we all know what that means.  Itchy acne prone, sun burned and sometimes extra oily or dry skin depending on you!  Hydration is key during the summer so make sure you're eating and drinking the most hydrating foods/beverages.  Also use gentle cleansers, extra moisturizers and SPF protection every single day!!!  Daily showers and baths, along with exfoliation will also help your skin to stay vibrant during the upcoming hot months!!!  Take care of yourselves and each other!

Why "yoni" care is so important!

As women, we harness such power in our reproductive areas.  Yoni cleanses, steams and baths are self-health practices to restore health and balance your physical feminine cycles, ease the transition through life phases, unlock the intimate magic of your womb, and release toxic emotions such as stress, tension and stagnation.  We can release ourselves from soul ties of ex partners and refresh our reproductive organs as well.  Nurturing your feminine health creates a wonderful balance within...mentally, spiritually and physically.  Love yourself ladies!

The Importance of Yoni Steaming

There are many benefits of yoni steaming. It functions as a natural and simple method of cleansing and detoxifying the uterus and vagina. Yoni steaming can also aid in maintaining reproductive health, increasing fertility, and balancing hormones, which can help to regulate periods and ease unpleasant symptoms of menstruation such as cramps, headaches, and vaginal discomfort.

Anyone with a vagina can experience the benefits of yoni steaming, especially those who suffer from painful or irregular periods, are looking to increase fertility, or are experiencing general discomfort. Yoni steam benefits are more than just physical. The practice has been used for ages to encourage mental and emotional well being by improving symptoms of depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

Vaginal steaming provides benefits through natural herbs that soothe, balance, and nourish the reproductive system without disrupting the natural environment of the vagina and uterus.

Although there is no empirical evidence to back these claims, many people report experiencing a sense of relaxation after steaming, and choose to incorporate the practice into their self-care regimen.

The ABC's of Bathing!

Since starting this herbal tea bath line, I can't tell you the amount of people who tell me "I never take baths!"  I am always shocked...especially when that person is a woman.  Along with cleansing, baths have always represented relaxation and calm, a precursor for a great nights sleep.  Soothing waters with salts and bubbles were always the perfect end to each day.  More than that, taking a nightly bath can lower your blood pressure.  So before you opt out of bathing for showers alone, remember a few facts about your old faithful bathtub:

Bathing can improve heart health:

Although bathing in high temperatures can put unnecessary strain on your heart, especially if you have a pre-existing heart condition, taking a warm bath will make your heart beat faster and can give it a healthy work out.

Taking a bath may help you to breathe easier:

Being immersed in water past your chest with your head out, can have a good influence on your lung capacity and oxygen intake. There are two factors that contribute to this; the temperature of the water and the pressure the water places on your chest and lungs. When the water is warmer and your heart is beating faster, your oxygen intake can be improved and the steam created can clear your sinuses and chest.

Your brain and nervous system can benefit from bathing:

Submergence in water can reduce pain and inflammation and also calm the nervous system, reducing the levels of stress and anxiety in the body and improving your mood. Hydrotherapy can help people who suffer from multiple sclerosis as the temperature and pressure of the water gently relieves the spine of pain and discomfort.

Bathing can benefit your muscles, joints and bones:

Stretching and moving in water has been shown to be low impact on the joints, muscles and bones, but very effective in providing an adequate workout through resistance. There is also less chance of injury for people who are at risk of falls, which makes aquatic exercise ideal for the elderly.

Take care of your blood and immunity with a bath:

Not only does a warm bath make the blood flow easier, it also makes it more oxygenated by allowing you to breathe deeper and slower, particularly when taking in steam. Taking a hot bath or spa can kill bacteria and improve immunity. It can relieve the symptoms of cold and flu.

Balance your hormones by bathing:

Conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome and some fertility issues can be assisted by bathing in colder temperatures. Hormones released by the pituitary gland such as adrenocorticotropic hormone or ACTH and other hormones such as beta endorphin and cortisol can become more balanced. Alternatively, warm water bathing can increase levels of serotonin, which is the chemical produced by the brain associated with happiness and well being.

Bathing cleanses and moisturizes your skin, hair and eyes:

Exposure to fluid through bathing and steaming is a great way to ensure hydration of the body in all aspects. The human body is made mostly of water and that is why we are encouraged to drink plenty of it. But soaking in it is also extremely beneficial. We can enhance this by adding certain oils or salts to a bath or bathing in a natural body of water or pool, rich in naturally occurring minerals.

Your core body temperature will be optimal through bathing:

There is no quicker and more pleasant way to regulate your body temperature than through bathing. On a cold day, taking a hot bath or spa is sure to warm you up. Going for a cold ocean swim in the height of summer is undeniably the best way to cool off.

Evidence has shown that bathing, whether in cold or hot water; at home in a vessel or out in a natural body of water can have many health benefits without adverse effects. However, it is advised that a health professional is consulted if pre-existing health conditions or diseases are present before embarking on any form of hydrotherapy.

Now light some candles, grab a glass of wine or a warm cup of tea and enjoy your bath!!!

Steaming In The New Year!!

Happy New Year!!!!!  The new year is the best time for new routines.  Be it exercise, diet or just spending more time with family, make a few resolutions to jump start your year!!  Yoni steams are an amazing way to cleanse and jumpstart your vaginal health!  Yoni steaming is a powerful ancient self-care practice used by women worldwide to support deep wellness, women's wisdom, herbal medicine, and feminine power.  Herbal steams cleanse the uterus when there are menstrual difficulties, after birth, and with menopause to thoroughly clean the womb once the menses cycle is complete.  From a spiritual aspect, yoni steams are used to break "soul ties" from past sexual partners and empower the sexual goddess energy of all women!  During this time, please be gentle with yourself.  Fasting or following a vegan diet for a few days along with prayer/meditation will amplify your experience immensely.  If you follow the lunar calendar, the first full moon is tomorrow and would be an excellent time to steam and reset your aura.  Ashay ladies! 

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